
Showing posts with label Restaurants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Restaurants. Show all posts

Monday, April 3, 2023

From Noel Pointer to Jersey City: My Musical Journey with Famous Artists and Local Friends


As a young and inexperienced drummer, I got my start in the music business thanks to the great violinist, singer, and story teller Noel Pointer. He hired me for his band, which had plenty of gigs across the United States, from jazz clubs to concert halls. Noel had a devoted fan base and even wrote and staged a musical with his good friend, the actor John Amos, featuring an alien violinist and his best friend on Earth. I recall a show where John and Noel argued before the curtain rose, but as soon as they faced the audience, they performed flawlessly and magically.

Besides playing with Noel's band, I often had the pleasure of jamming with other acts on the bill, such as Bobbi Humphrey, Tom Browne, and Lonnie Liston Smith, with whom I later toured extensively. Speaking of touring, I also played with Tom Browne solo and shared the stage with many talented musicians and friends at my brownstone in Jersey City, NJ, where I had a studio and a garden for BBQ parties. Some notable guests and clients included Ben Folds, The Silos, Freedy Johnston, Tony Maimone, Graham Maby, Helen Hooke, Joy Askew, and They Might Be Giants. I enjoyed living in Bergen-Lafayette, Jersey City, and frequented some fantastic restaurants and hang-outs, such as New Park TavernLaico's, and Citizen Kane (now McGinley Square Pub). Moreover, I recorded many sessions at the original Water Music studio in Hoboken, NJ, and at my own Running Dog Studios on Bergen Avenue, J.C. 

Looking back, I'm honored and privileged to have played music with Noel Pointer and grateful for the memories and experiences I gained in Jersey City. Stay tuned for more posts on this topic!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

My Encounter with Davy Jones of The Monkees

In the 90s, I had the privilege of working with Davy Jones, who was not only a talented performer but also a gentleman and a genuinely good person. I vividly remember my first gig with him, when I accidentally barged into his dressing room thinking it was for the band. Instead, I found Davy sitting there all by himself. I apologized, but he quickly declared that it was OUR dressing room and that there was no other room for "the talent." We had a quick laugh together and enjoyed an easy, comfortable, pre-show chat.

Davy was an amazing storyteller, singer, and performer, and it was a real honor to work with him. During one conversation, he mentioned how The Beatles were actually the first fabricated boy band, not The Monkees, which surprised me at the time.

I was living in the Rondout neighborhood of Kingston, NY, close to the Esopus River, during this period. As someone who loves the Hudson Valley, I highly recommend it. If you're ever in Uptown Kingston, be sure to check out La Canard Enchaine, one of my favorite restaurants. I also had the opportunity to work at local recording studios like Bearsville Studios and The Clubhouse.